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Upon acquiring a Miracle Egg, a warrior would embark on a sacred guardianship. They nurtured these enigmatic eggs, for within each egg pulsed the potential of a loyal companion, a pet destined to join them in the arena. However, the hatching of a Miracle Egg was a spectacle shrouded in mystery, for not all pets bore the same mantle of strength.

As dictated by the ancient magics that bound them, these mystical pets emerged into the world classified into four tiers of rarity: Common, Rare, Legendary, and Mythic.

  • A Common Pet, emerging with a 60% likelihood, was a steadfast ally, its valor undeniable.

  • The Rare Pets, with a 30% chance of gracing their guardian, bore abilities that edged beyond the ordinary.

  • The Legendary Pets, a sight to behold at an 8% probability, wielded powers that could sway the tides of battle.

  • And at the summit of this hierarchy, the Mythic Pets, rarest of all at a mere 2% chance, were beings of unparalleled might, their prowess a legend in the making.

Fire Dragon


Water Turtle


Tree Beetle


Each tier not only signified the rarity of the companions but also their strength in The Grand Tournament. A warrior's honor and might were magnified by the side of these noble pets. In the dance of battle, the bond between a warrior and their pet was their greatest weapon.

These pets, ranging from Common to Mythic, embarked on their journey at level 1. As the Mushroom Warriors and their fledgling pets ventured forth, engaging in battles that test their mettle and bond, the pets imbibed the essence of combat, gaining EXP points as tokens of their experiences. Like heroes, they ascended in power, journeying from the innocence of level 1 to the zenith of level 10.

This journey was not merely a passage of time but a crucible that forged the very soul of the pet, enhancing their innate powers and abilities. Upon reaching the zenith of level 10, a miraculous transformation occured. The pet, now steeped in the battles of The Grand Tournament, ascended to a higher echelon of rarity. It was at this pinnacle of their growth that the magic within them stirred, the pet shed its former self to embrace a new form, more potent and majestic than before.

Each pet, regardless of its origin, bore the mark of its rarity and level through its attack and defense stats. These numbers were not mere figures but representations of the pet's journey through trials and triumphs, their strength and resilience honed by countless battles. The higher the rarity and level, the more formidable the pet became, a true testament to its valor and the unwavering spirit of the bond it shared with its warrior.

Pets are classified into different rarities: Common, Rare, Legendary and Mythic.

Each Miracle Egg has a 60% chance of hatching a Common Pet, 30% chance of hatching a Rare Pet, 8% chance of hatching a Legendary Pet, 2% chance of hatching a Mythic Pet.

The rarer your pet is, the stronger it will be in The Grand Tournament.

Pets have levels from 1 to 10, with hatched pets always starting at level 1. After each battle, pets will get EXP points to level up. When reaching level 10, pets will be upgraded to the next type of rarity.

Each pet has attack and defense stats that depend on the pet's rarity and level.

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