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To hatch a Miracle Egg

Upon acquiring a Miracle Egg, a warrior would embark on a sacred guardianship.They nurtured the eggs with the finest essences of nature: the strength of the earth, the purity of water, and the vitality of air. Each egg, unique in its craving for the essence, demanded distances to be traversed to fully imbibe the magic—be it 2km, 10km, or even the arduous 50km.

The journey was not merely physical but a pilgrimage of spirit and will, for the essence sought by the eggs was not just the elements but the unwavering dedication of the Warriors.

Mushroom Warrior nurtured these enigmatic eggs, for within each egg pulsed the potential of a loyal companion, a pet destined to join them in the arena. However, the hatching of a Miracle Egg was a spectacle shrouded in mystery, for not all pets bore the same mantle of strength. The more time and devotion poured into the care of these mystical eggs, the higher the chance of them birthing a rare and powerful companion. A creature of enchantment, born from the amalgamation of the Warrior’s diligence, the earth's resilience, the water's serenity, and the air's freedom. These companions, each a mirror to the essence it absorbed, became the eternal protectors and allies of their Warriors, sharing a bond deeper than the roots of the world tree.

To hatch a Miracle Egg, you need to embark on a journey by foot, as each egg requires traversing a unique distance before it can hatch.

The required distances vary widely, possibly being 2km, 10km, or 50km.

The further one needs to walk to hatch an egg, the higher the likelihood of the egg revealing a rare pet upon hatching.

This mechanism adds a layer of excitement and anticipation to the hatching process, encouraging players to venture further in hopes of discovering exceptionally rare companions.

The distance required to hatch each Miracle Egg will be displayed on the egg itself when updated version of the game is release.

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